Saturday, April 30, 2005
MassBay Film Festival
We had tried to see Helix (which is a Matrix parody) at the start of the festival back on April 15th, but technical difficulties intervened so we got to see "Sin City" again. So by the time I did see Helix it wasn't up to my expectations -- they got all the technical aspects and effects down but tried to spoof too many movies to make the whole thing work. Probably 5 good laughs thru whole thing. Big surprise was the one and only Vanilla Ice having a featured role, not sure who he corresponds to in "The Matrix" but whatever. They threw in lots of "Fight Club" references and then just a single line or scene from other movies such as "secretary" and one from one of my all time favorites "The Professional" that nobody reacted to but me. Helix was sometimes a serious, exact replication of The Matrix, then Tyler Durden would pop in and throw some jokes out that just flopped. To be fair there was less than a dozen people in the audience which makes it tough for a comedy to really get some big laughs.
On the other hand, Big Fat Indie was hilarious. A very pleasant surprise, just non stop gags and goofs. Closest to "Not Another Teen Movie" -- which I found surprisingly funny when I finally caught that on cable. This flick didn't stay in one movie for too long, just lots of good, rapid fire gags. If one went over your head, the next one would make you laugh.
Plan on heading back to the festival later this weekend. One documentary sounds pretty cool, "Down size Me" is a rebuttal to "Super Size Me" by a bodybuilder who goes on the McDiet and actually loses weight. Then there is a two hour block of Star Wars fan films that could be cool.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
No More XUV
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Must See TV
Tuesday, April 12, 2005
What The F

Yesterday was the home opener at Fenway Park with a great celebration 86 years in the making. The sox unveiled a huge championship banner and passed out the championship to the players -- even some players no longer on the team made the trip, which was very cool. The other very cool thing was the surprise appearance of Patriot's linebacker Tedy Bruschi. This was his first public appearance since his recent stroke and all of Fenway started chanting "Tedy" as he walked across the field. He was joined with other Boston sports greats Bill Russell, Bobby Orr, and fellow 3x Super Bowl champ Richard Seymour who all threw ceremonial first pitches. And the day ended perfectly, with a 8-1 spanking of the Yankees. But I'll give the Yanks credit, the were all in the dugout watching all of the pregrame ceremony. Biggest laugh of it all was the rousing ovation for NY closer Mariano Rivera -- he's blown the last four games against the Sox. He was even laughing about it. All the other yanks got their normal echoing of boos, but A-Rod has now passed Jeter for loudest and longest booing.
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Ride to Wave
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Film School Weekend
The seminar should be just the kick in the ass needed to get the mighty sporks of PlasticVille cranking out some more plastic quality no-budget productions this spring and summer.
Friday, April 01, 2005
Sin City Rules
I'd best describe it as a high-tech film noir with lots of blood, guts & sluts - and a surprising amount of humor. It features multiple overlapping story lines, all based in the seamy underbelly of Sin City. Technically it breaks all sorts of new ground -- it has the most seamless transitions of live action to digital trickery I've ever seen. A great ride.