Here is recent message Lori sent to all her donors.
From: Lori Grant
Sent: Thursday, April 12, 2007 11:29 AM
Subject: Disappointed yet excited
Good Morning all,
As you know I have been training for the Boston Marathon both mentally and physically since last April.
When I signed up to run for Dana-Farber I will be honest and say it was secondary to my actual commitment to run. However, over the months of being involved with the DFMC team, getting hooked up with Olivia (my patient partner) and in general learning more about the important research that the fundraising provides, the fundraising has become more important than the running.
It is a good thing that I feel this way because during my training I injured myself. I have a torn Labrum (cartilage in the hip joint). I ran with it for a while until the pain became too much. I went to a specialist and I was told no running, but I could bike and do the elliptical as long as there was no pain, Jack Fultz assured me this would get me (keep me) in the shape I needed to be in for the marathon.
I took to the elliptical like a fool, working my way up to over 3 hours for my "long run". I was fully prepared to run Boston and I was doing everything possible to make it happen.
However, on March 19th, the doctor shot down my hopes and dreams and said NO to running any kind of distance, especially the marathon. He even said no to walk it. Yes of course I asked if I could do that.
After a few days of tears, sadness, guilt and overwhelming disappointment I accepted his advice. All the reasons I wanted to run aside from raising money started to subside after a scare with an illness in my family. Thank goodness everyone is fine now and I realize that although my injury will not allow me to run the marathon it does not stop me from taking care of myself and others.
I have signed up to volunteer with DFMC during the marathon and will still participate in the Dana Farber Pasta Party this Sunday. While I am volunteering on Monday in the rain/snow/wind and cold temperatures it will be nothing compared to what patients go through daily during their battles with cancer and treatment. I will be in the Dana Farber Recovery Zone helping DFMC teammates at the end of their run. I feel fortunate that I am still able to help and be a part of the DFMC team.
Although I am unable to run the marathon I am still raising funds running in honor of Joanne Martin Robinson who left her family, friends and especially her children much too soon. Just last week, on April 3rd, Pat Weinberg (my best friends Mom) lost her battle with cancer. Although her funeral was a celebration of her life, it was still a life taken too soon by a disease that is not kind.
It is my hope and my dream that with your help, one day soon we will not have to explain cancer to future generations, or to live with the fear that someone we love may get “it”.
For those of you who have donated to me already I thank you so much for your help.
My goal for DFMC is to raise $7,500, I am not there yet. Every dollar helps and I appreciate anything you can contribute.
I thank you all for your support both emotionally and financially for DFMC.
You can send a check written to DFMC to my address:
198 Foster Street
Littleton, MA 01460
Thank you and be well,
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