Wow, the 40 Days immersion program Lori and I took part of ended yesterday and we both feel changed forever. It was 40 days of up to four live phone calls consisting of guided meditations, coaching and energy work with Kristin and David Morelli. Now, I still can't pretend to explain what has happened with this energy work - but I EXPERIENCED and FELT it on every call.
I have been moving energy and breaking down my deepest blocks to abundance and authentic wealth like I've never done before, and I have this sense of faith in myself that I've never known. One of the most concrete things that happened was that a troublesome co-writer attached to my optioned script asked to be removed from the project - totally out of the blue! But exactly what I wanted. He even knew I'm about to go to LA and pitch scripts, yet still chose to just remove his name. SWEET!
If you don’t know Kristin and David, Kristin is a self-made multimillionaire (by age 30) and David is an energy worker of the highest caliber who is sought after by many well-known teachers of the Law of Attraction to work with them on breaking through their blocks to wealth. Together they are a powerful team who have made a decision to be a part of the shift from lack to abundance. True Abundance = an abundance that embraces money and ALL good things in life.
On one of our final coaching calls, Kristin and David shared with us a sneak peek of “what’s next” after the 40 Days and 40 Nights program. It is going to be absolutely awesome because this couple is nothing short of amazing! I am so grateful for having found them and for saying “YES!” to coming under their mentorship.
Stay tuned; as soon as I have the details on the Prosperity Tribe, I’ll pass them on to you. In the meantime, meet Kristin and David at this link: am so fired up for my trip to LA. I leave in just two day! This is my first bold step towards pushing my screenwriting. I'll be with a group of 20 fellow
ProSeries Alumni members and we have three full days of meetings with Hollywood producers, agents and writers. It is going to be fantastic!