We did our traditional non-celebration of Chinese food and TV for New Year's Eve. Today we went to the movies for the first time in months. Saw "I Am Legend" which was very good. For an apocalyptic/sci-fi/horror flick it carried a lot of emotional weight. Will Smith did a really good job and I was shocked to find myself on the verge of tears a couple times.
Looking back, 2007 saw the death of Anna Nicole Smith (can't believe how long ago that already feels) and amid the months of chaotic media attention, Illegal Aliens (her final film and one I was heavily involved with) was finally released. In November, another movie I had a small hand in as an extra, Zombie Town
2008 will continue my burgeoning screenwriting career. I'm still developing my first optioned screenplay and this is the year it should actually go to market. I'm also taking more classes, planning new scripts and polishing my existing ones with the goal of becoming a full-time writer. The next dream trip is to visit Uganda and Rwanda to see some mountain gorillas. Lori's got big plans for her weight-loss coaching business and we're both using the Law of Attraction to bring more joy and abundance to ourselves and everyone around us. How's that for a sappy, positive, holiday sentiment?
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