We got back yesterday morning from a weekend of smashing our brains into our skulls at Cedar Point in Ohio. Cedar Point has won Best Amusement Park for the 8th year in a row and most of their 16 roller coasters broke records when they first opened. Plus the whole park was done up for Halloween with many haunted houses and fright zones. We brought all our water proof gear and were prepared for horrible weather. It was 50 and raining on Friday night, which kept the crowds low and added to the creepiness of the whole park. Was really weird seeing white caps breaking on the shore just feet away from the rides. With wind and cold rain whipping at us it seemed like we were at some amusement park in Iceland. Riding the coasters at night next to the pitch black and eerie Lake Erie was really cool. Felt like you just being tossed out into nothingness on
Magnum XL 200 (#3 rated coaster in world and probably my favorite), and being pelted in the face with rain made the coasters even sicker. We were at the park for full 13 hours on Saturday - it was cloudy and drizzly at first, but then never actually rained again. We got on every ride multiple times, rode each coaster from first and last seats, and even did the water rides since we were still dressed for rain. Crowds picked up as the day went on we had our our first and only long wait of 90 minutes for
Millennium Force (#1 rated coaster on planet) at end of the night. By midnight my head was killing me from being bashed about so many times on Raptor, Mantis,
Wicked Twister (Lori's favorite), Gemini, Corkscrew, Blue Streak, Wildcat, Mean Streak (the hardest, roughest ride I've ever been on) and even the lame by comparison Iron Dragon and we thought of blowing off Sunday, but in the morning it was actually sunny so we went for it. The place was empty. We walked in at 9am and there wasn't anyone else entering. We got three rides on Millennium Force in the first hour and got on every other ride without a wait until we just couldn't take anymore and headed out around 2pm. The only bummer was that two rides (MaxAir and Top Thrill Dragster) were down for the whole weekend - but that just gives an excuse to return. And Larry The Lizard wasn't tall enough for any of the cool rides.
Check out some photos.
Even after being totally coastered out, we might head to Six Flags New England this weekend just to be able to ride the top 3 coasters in the world in one week. Six Flags is home to #2 rated
Superman. We've been on it before but not in a few years. Then Sunday night we'll be at Gillette Stadium for the return of Tedy Bruschi!
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